El Dorado Hills Summer Yard Maintenance Tips
With summer waning and fall around the corner, your heat-infused yard is probably in need of some maintenance. Maintaining your yard during the summer is about keeping it healthy. Usually, this is in spite of the high temperatures and non-existent rainfall typical of El Dorado Hills.
Preserve Your Lawn
The first priority is your lawn. There are a few, simple actions that you can take to help preserve your lawn. First, raise the cutting height of your mower. By keeping the blades of grass longer the roots will also grow longer, helping your lawn retain moisture. You should also mow more frequently (such as weekly) to maintain blade length. Leaving a sprinkling of the lawn clippings can also help to retain moisture in your lawn the same way that bark and mulch help landscaping.
Prune Trees and Hedges
Next, summer is a great time to trim dead and dying branches from your trees. With trees fully leafed, look for tell-tale leafless or dead-leafed branches. Trim below the dead area where the tree is still green. You can also use the same logic on bushes and shrubs. Pruning trees and hedges during the summer will keep critters and pests out while keeping your foliage healthy.
Control Those Weeds
Make time once a week to walk your yard with a hoe or screwdriver to uproot weeds. It may seem like a lot of work the first couple of weeks, but making weeding a part of your weekly yard maintenance will save you time in the long run. You’ll be surprised at how a few minutes a week will keep weeds under control and out of your yard.
If your landscaping is suffering terribly from this dry, hot summer in the El Dorado Hills, it’s probably time for a different yard plan. Contact Suncrest Landscape, Inc. for help turning your dreary landscaping into a private paradise. We specialize in beautiful, affordable landscapes under $5,000.