Fall Yard Prep El Dorado Hills #2 – Weed Control
To continue our discussion of fall yard prep in El Dorado Hills from earlier this month, fall is the time to take care of your yard in preparation for spring. Think of fall yard prep as feed and weed time. Feed your plants and lawn and take control of those perennial weeds.
Just like your lawn is gearing up for the winter by absorbing nutrients into its roots, weeds are doing the same. This makes them much more receptive to a systemic herbicide. Herbicides will be moved into the weed’s root system, which is exactly what you need to get rid of those problematic weeds. Better to do it now than the spring when they’ll be in a period of rapid growth and spread.
You need to do weed control in the fall, so long as the weed foliage is present and appears to be healthy. A lot of times this means to continue your summer watering into the fall. Strangely enough, the weeds need to be healthy in order for you to kill them off. The health of the weeds’ leaves are the key to successful absorption of any herbicide spray. You’ll want to use a combination of two weed killers to control the broad spectrum of weeds. Glyphosate for grasses and 2,4-D for broadleaves.
The weather also needs to still be relatively warm (mid 50’s during the day at least) for best absorption. Once weeds go into hibernation, your best bet is going to be to walk around the yard with trowel and rake in hand to remove those weeds.
Another way to aid in weed control is to fertilize your lawn. A strong, healthy lawn will leave less openings for weeds to take root.
The overall health of your yard requires time, knowledge, and personal commitment. Suncrest Landscape, Inc. will help ensure your yard is ready for the winter through healthy soil, effective drainage, and correct fertilization. We work one project at a time to ensure that you are always our first priority. Contact Suncrest Landscape, Inc. today and let us help protect your home from drainage issues.